[Shield 1] How do I search (filter) in Shield for a specific Brand Analytics?

We have already discovered more than 8 million different Brands from the following Amazon marketplaces! (amazon.de / amazon.es / amazon.it / amazon.fr and amazon.co.uk).

We have analysed these brands using numerous data and criteria and have written these analyses away for you! Thus, data are available here retroactively until mid April 2019!

To search or filter a brand analysis in Shield, you can proceed as follows:

1. Select the Shield module "Analytics" and go to the menu item "Brands"

(see screenshot below):


2. First of all, the numerous filters can be added and applied here (marketplace filter, name, etc.)

(See screenshot below):


Here I am now looking for Brands which contain the following names:

AmazonBasics or Eono.

(See screenshot below):


3. Since it is well known that there are many more Brands on Amazon that contain a certain name or term - i now make use of the-  #ASINs (= Amount of ASINs) - Filter and set it on more than 1000 ASINs.

(See screenshot below):


Now I get the corresponding desired Brands (5 / 5) played out:

(See screenshot below):


To learn now - how you can easily subscribe to an AMALYZE Brand Analytics - just click on the following link: How can I subscribe to an AMALYZE Brand Analytics in Shield?


Additional keywords: brands, brands, analysis, search, search, how, shield, seller analytics, filter, analyze.

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