[Shield 1] What does the column "sales rate" mean in the result page under "ASIN reverse lookup"?


In Shield you will find the column sales rate in the result page under essentials > ASIN reverse lookup. In this post we will explain you what the definition of this column is.


The column sales rate gives you the information with which keyword the next purchase will most likely happen. So if you see two keywords and one has a sales rate of 10% and the other one has 20% you can assume that with the second one, with a 20% sales rate, the next purchase will happen.

For example:

I checked the ASIN B081QYPKBG in the ASIN reverse lookup and sorted the results descending by the column sales rate, so that the keyword with the highest sales rate will be shown as first result.

(see screenshot below):


In this case the keyword nintendo switch odyssey has the highest sales rate (33.56%) if we just looking at that one ASIN in the ASIN reverse lookup. Now I am going to add a competitor ASIN. The results are still sorted descending by the column sales rate.

(see screenshot below):


The keyword nintendo switch odyssey still has the highes sales rate but after we added the second ASIN the sales rate got lowered from 33.56% to 26.25%. That happened because we added that second ASIN. Now I am going to add a third ASIN, which ranks to the keyword nintendo switch odyssey. The results are still sorted descending by the column sales rate.

(see screenshot below):


Now we have the keyword mario odyssey has the highest sales rate of 23.15%. The keyword nintendo switch odyssey now has a sales rate of 2.58%.

Like you seen in my screenshots the amount of ASINs and keywords in the ASIN reverse lookup have an influence on the column sales rateOf course there are several factors which also are included in the calculation. But we can not go into that in more detail.


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